Local Color XC in USA Today
In Carson's fourth installment for USA Today, he shared a somewhat embarrassing story involving me and our first trip to Asheville. There was a topless woman on a park bench, and I never saw her. It's true: I have a bad case of tunnel vision when it comes to exploring. Often Carson is the first to point out some rare bird or animal or roadside attraction. And I miss it.
Regardless, Asheville is still one of our favorite places to visit. And Carson does a great job paying homage to a place we've toyed with moving to more than once. We love Asheville, and the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Grove Park Inn. Enjoy Carson's latest piece -- our full recap of NC is coming soon!
Road Trip USA: A walk on the wild side in Asheville, N.C.
Mel & Costello at Lake Powhatan.