Local Color XC on KEXL 97.5
Me as an intern in 2006! Yes, I know: I was VERY blonde and VERY tan.
Little known fact: I was once a broadcast journalism major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. During that time, I interned at my favorite local radio station out of Norfolk, Neb. -- KEXL, then 106.7 and now 97.5 -- with arguably the most well-known DJ in all of Northeast Nebraska: Jeffrey Steffan.
I spent the summer between my freshman and sophomore years at UNL working the Morning Show with Jeffrey from 5:00-10:00am. I had such a blast working with the team there, and in true radio fashion, I participated in a lot of antics. I drove a semi-truck live on-air (with supervision, of course!); I deep fat fried various foods in the parking lot for the state fair; I fired a civil war cannon during a re-enactment; and I helped raise money for a family that lost their home in a fire that summer.
Jeffrey has stayed in touch with me over the years, and after wrapping up our year-long road trip, Jeffrey invited me back to talk about the experience. And talk we did! For about an hour to be exact. Thankfully, Jeffrey broke our interview up into 10-minute segments. Making it much easier for the casual listener to enjoy.
So here you have it, about 50-minutes of in-depth Q&A about our life on the road. And if you're ever in Northeast Nebraska, do me a favor and tune into 97.5!